When.py 0.4.0

When.py provides user-friendly functions to help perform common date and time actions.


Friendly Dates and Times


Get a list of all time zones.

This is a wrapper for pytz.all_timezones.

Returns:list – all time zones.

Get a set of all time zones.

This is a wrapper for pytz.all_timezones_set.

Returns:set – all time zones.

Get a list of common time zones.

This is a wrapper for pytz.common_timezones.

Returns:list – common time zones.

Get a set of common time zones.

This is a wrapper for pytz.common_timezones_set.

Returns:set – common time zones.

Get a random datetime.

Instead of using datetime.MINYEAR and datetime.MAXYEAR as the bounds, the current year +/- 100 is used. The thought behind this is that years that are too extreme will not be as useful.

Returns:datetime.datetime – a random datetime.

New in version 0.3.0.

when.format(value, format_string)

Get a formatted version of a datetime.

This is a wrapper for strftime(). The full list of directives that can be used can be found at http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior. Predefined formats are exposed through when.formats:


Date in locale-based format.


Date and time in locale-based format.


Time in locale-based format.


12-hour time in locale-based format.

  • value (datetime.datetime, datetime.date, datetime.time.) – A datetime object.
  • format_string (str.) – A string specifying formatting the directives or to use.

str – the formatted datetime.



Changed in version 0.4.0: TypeError is now raised

New in version 0.3.0.

when.future(years=0, months=0, weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0, microseconds=0, utc=False)

Get a datetime in the future.

future() accepts the all of the parameters of datetime.timedelta, plus includes the parameters years and months. years and months will add their respective units of time to the datetime.

By default future() will return the datetime in the system’s local time. If the utc parameter is set to True or set_utc() has been called, the datetime will be based on UTC instead.

  • years (int.) – The number of years to add.
  • months (int.) – The number of months to add.
  • weeks (int.) – The number of weeks to add.
  • days (int.) – The number of days to add.
  • hours (int.) – The number of hours to add.
  • minutes (int.) – The number of minutes to add.
  • seconds (int.) – The number of seconds to add.
  • milliseconds (int.) – The number of milliseconds to add.
  • microseconds (int.) – The number of microseconds to add.
  • utc (bool.) – Whether or not to use UTC instead of local time.

datetime.datetime – the calculated datetime.

when.how_many_leap_days(from_date, to_date)

Get the number of leap days between two dates

  • from_date (datetime.datetime, datetime.date) – A datetime object. If only a year is specified, will use January 1.
  • to_date (datetime.datetime, datetime.date) – A datetime object.. If only a year is specified, will use January 1.

int – the number of leap days.


TypeError, ValueError

Changed in version 0.4.0: TypeError is now raised ValueError is now raised

New in version 0.3.0.


Check if a datetime is time zone aware.

is_timezone_aware() is the inverse of is_timezone_naive().

Parameters:value (datetime.datetime, datetime.time) – A valid datetime object.
Returns:bool – if the object is time zone aware.

Changed in version 0.4.0: TypeError is raised

New in version 0.3.0.


Check if a datetime is time zone naive.

is_timezone_naive() is the inverse of is_timezone_aware().

Parameters:value (datetime.datetime, datetime.time) – A valid datetime object.
Returns:bool – if the object is time zone naive.

Changed in version 0.4.0: TypeError is now raised

New in version 0.3.0.


Get a datetime representing the current date and time.

By default now() will return the datetime in the system’s local time. If the utc parameter is set to True or set_utc() has been called, the datetime will be based on UTC instead.

Parameters:utc (bool.) – Whether or not to use UTC instead of local time.
Returns:datetime.datetime – the current datetime.
when.past(years=0, months=0, weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0, microseconds=0, utc=False)

Get a datetime in the past.

past() accepts the all of the parameters of datetime.timedelta, plus includes the parameters years and months. years and months will add their respective units of time to the datetime.

By default past() will return the datetime in the system’s local time. If the utc parameter is set to True or set_utc() has been called, the datetime will be based on UTC instead.

  • years (int.) – The number of years to subtract.
  • months (int.) – The number of months to subtract.
  • weeks (int.) – The number of weeks to subtract.
  • days (int.) – The number of days to subtract.
  • hours (int.) – The number of hours to subtract.
  • minutes (int.) – The number of minutes to subtract.
  • seconds (int.) – The number of seconds to subtract.
  • milliseconds (int.) – The number of milliseconds to subtract.
  • microseconds (int.) – The number of microseconds to subtract.
  • utc (bool.) – Whether or not to use UTC instead of local time.

datetime.datetime – the calculated datetime.


Set all datetimes to UTC.

The utc parameter of other methods will be ignored, with the global setting taking precedence.

This can be reset by calling unset_utc().

when.shift(value, from_tz=None, to_tz=None, utc=False)

Convert a datetime from one time zone to another.

value will be converted from its time zone (when it is time zone aware) or the time zone specified by from_tz (when it is time zone naive) to the time zone specified by to_tz. These values can either be strings containing the name of the time zone (see pytz.all_timezones for a list of all supported values) or a datetime.tzinfo object.

If no value is provided for either from_tz (when value is time zone naive) or to_tz, the current system time zone will be used. If the utc parameter is set to True or set_utc() has been called, however, UTC will be used instead.

  • value (datetime.datetime, datetime.time.) – A datetime object.
  • from_tz (datetime.tzinfo, str.) – The time zone to shift from.
  • to_tz (datetime.tzinfo, str.) – The time zone to shift to.
  • utc (bool.) – Whether or not to use UTC instead of local time.

datetime.datetime – the calculated datetime.



Changed in version 0.4.0: TypeError is now raised


Get the name of the current system time zone.

Returns:str – the name of the system time zone.

Get the current system time zone.

Parameters:tz_name (str.) – The name of the time zone.
Returns:datetime.tzinfo – the time zone, defaults to system time zone.

Get a date representing the current date.

Returns:datetime.date – the current date.

Get a date representing tomorrow’s date.

Returns:datetime.date – the current date plus one day.

Set all datetimes to system time.

The utc parameter of other methods will be used.

This can be changed by calling set_utc().


Get a date representing yesterday’s date.

Returns:datetime.date – the current date minus one day.

A note about future and past

When changing a datetime from one month (or year) to another, it is often the case that the new month will have fewer days than the original, resulting in an invalid date. When this happens, the days will be adjusted into the future. This is consistent with implementations found elsewhere.

>>> when.today()
datetime.date(2012, 2, 29)
>>> when.future(years=1)
datetime.datetime(2013, 3, 1, 19, 0, 23, 76878)
>>> when.today()
datetime.date(2012, 3, 31)
>>> when.past(months=1)
datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 2, 19, 7, 36, 317653)

Indices and tables